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Airguns-a new starters (or returners) introduction

Writer: AARAAR

Tomorrow’s offering on AAR Onair YouTube channel


2 commentaires

Michel Gaudet
Michel Gaudet
05 juil. 2021

If you would truly LOVE a very accurate SINGLE SHOT PELLET PISTOL, that can usually be found for under $50, try the “BEEMAN P-17”. It has the same barrel as the $400+ “BEEMAN B-1”. The main difference is just the BUILD of the gun, but both look the same to my eyes.😋


John Emm
John Emm
10 juin 2021

Andy, is there a CO2 powered BB firing pistol that is accurate? I just had a meeting of the minds with my building manager and that will be it for me for shooting in the basement.

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