🤔 ..... New gun day / weekend i've finally got my FX Panthera Hunter .177 it's took a while extra overtime / weekend shifts & more overtime 😩 but finally got their in the end new gun / HIK Alpex 4k LRF scope / Tier one mounts & Arca to Picatinny adapter / Atlas bi-pod / Sabre Tactical rail & bag rider / Huggett mini magna silencer / FX bigger bottle 300cc to a 480cc & a few other bits & bobs 🤔 .
It's going to be hard getting used to this set up as i've used my BSA S10 bbk .22 for years & the old girls never let me down once until three month's ago went to use her & no air in the bottle 🤔 tried filling her would not hold air ?? had to get a Replacement buddy bottle valve ? over the next four weeks my 2 spare bottles suffered the same fate ???? so ordered new valves but just to be safe i took all three bottles to be tested where i get my dive bottle filled & tested ? unfortunately only two passed one failed & had to be cut in half so not to be used .
So that's when i took the decision to retire the old Girl she'll come out on the odd occasion in the future or down the range ? as for the new girl i've been saving since the start of January doing lots of overtime to save up & here she is i just hope she performs as well considering the amount of money i've spent on her only time will tell fingers crossed .